
Chana • Mom to 4 awesome girls.. Hannah 4.17.01, Kyiah 8.12.03, Ciarrah 10.6.04, Selena 5.10.16 💓🎀🍼
Last Tuesday, December 8th, ONCE AGAIN, my child's father was back in my face begging me to take him back because he missed his family. He asked me to marry him on December 13th, which was yesterday. We told everyone and got ready for everything. Rings and marriage license in hand. Thursday Dec 10, his ex goes into labor.. We ended having a big fight at our house and at the hospital because he changed the whole plan up for the birth. His daughter Was born Friday, Dec 11. He was beside her mom the whole night... And hasn't come no where near me or our house since Thursday afternoon. No calls.. Nothing.. So we are officially over. He left me at 4 months pregnant for the woman stalked me for a year, to the point of trying to end my life. A liar and a cheater will always be that.. I'm over the drama, bs, disappointments, etc. my number has changed and I cut off his entire family. I hope he's happy in the choice he made to reconcile with her. I find out what I'm having on Thursday, and I'm finally ready to forget all this ever happened, put him behind me, and move forward. That baby being born two days before we got married was divine intervention!!