Jerk of a partner…. Baby #3

Abi • 22- Mommy to baby Hugo 06.03.19👶🏻💙

So I’ve just found out that we are pregnant with our third. We have a almost 3 year old and a soon to be one year old next month. I am over the moon with it as I have always wanted 3 children to complete the family but my partner is now going mad about. Even tho he never used protection. He knew I wasn’t on birth control and he knew I wanted a third but he has always said he doesn’t so I told him if he doesn’t then use protection or get the snip but he chose not too so that to me told me he clearly isn’t dead against it if he isn’t being careful. Now I’m pregnant apparently it’s all my fault and I’m controlling and trapping him (even tho we have two children) and he has told me he wants me to get rid of it and will never love it and would rather walk out and leave me if I don’t get rid of the baby.

I really don’t know what to do. I’m shocked and hurt and disgusted. Of course I won’t get rid of it why would I when I already have 2 beautiful children and a home for the baby and it was both our doings not just me! He is acting like I created this baby myself!