Want to drink a bang

3👼🌈💖2018🌈💙2020💖2021💙2023 • God's timing is perfect🙏⛪

OK so my daughter just turned one week old today and I have been dying my whole pregnancy to drink a bang energy drink I pump for my baby and breast-feed I was wondering if I want to drink a bang energy drink can I pump and dump or how does that work?

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The recommended daily caffeine intake for a breastfeeding mother is 300mg and I do believe that's the amount that's in a bang so you technically wouldn't have to pump and dump.


3👼🌈💖2018🌈💙2020💖2021💙2023 • Dec 17, 2021


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I drink redbull and/or drink coffee almost daily, I have a healthy baby who sleeps 12-13 hours a night and has been sleeping through the night (6+ hours straight) since 9 weeks old.


3👼🌈💖2018🌈💙2020💖2021💙2023 • Dec 18, 2021
Wow, I hope I get that lucky😁


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i just drink them a little slower, but i’m definitely not pumping and dumping because of a little caffeine


3👼🌈💖2018🌈💙2020💖2021💙2023 • Dec 17, 2021