
Hello everyone, I recently left my abusive relationship with my 9year old daughter about 3 months ago. it was so bad, i was with the father of my child for about 9 years. he would get so drunk and do narcotics then would insult me and beat me. i have severe PTSD, social anxiety, depression and mental disorders cause by him. 3 years into our relationship he broke my nose. it came to a point where i needed to leave because i didn’t want my daughter growing up in those circumstances and think it’s okay for a man to beat on a woman. he we are three months in and I have got my own place but unfortunately facing eviction due to not being able to afford it. the father of my child does not help at all and i don’t want to let him know my whereabouts until the restraining order is set. I have half of my rent but missing the other half, I know this is a long shot but I don’t have anyone to ask for help and i’m afraid to let my ex know where I live because of his crazy antics. i’m in desperate need of help. if this isn’t allowed i’ll take it down but I just didn’t know what else to do. I don’t wanna live out of my car w my child. if you are able to help please let me know. desperate times call for desperate measures :(