Boyfriend trouble


I’m having some issues with my boyfriend and idk what to do. He said he wanted to move in and start a family a pulled out at the last minute.

Like the very last minute

Like now I’m stuck paying for an apartment that’s double what I can afford and I’m kinda stuck here.

It’s been 3 years and I’m exhausted.


He’s rarely has nice things to say about me. He makes rude comments and He gets on me about vaping in my apartment constantly. I told him I’d quit when he moves in. And I will! I’m so tired from working all the time and worrying about money.

People depend on me financially and I’m so worried all the time.

He helps with things that come up that I can’t afford like vet bills and what not so I’m scared to leave because I’d be shit out of luck if anything happened and so would my dog

He keeps promising he’ll move in but idk that he really will.

I feel stuck and trapped

What do I do?