Booster shot during pregnancy? Need advice, please help

I’m scheduled to get my booster covid shot tomorrow (22w1d) and I am so nervous. I have talked to my OB multiple times who has told me it’s safe and better to get boosted while pregnant than to get covid while pregnant. My good friend who is also a RN recommends it and doesn’t want to go into specifics with me, just that from what she has personally witnessed with pregnant women getting covid is not worth the risk of skipping the vaccine.

I technically am over 6 months from the second shot, which means I really only have a 20%-25% protection against Covid, whereas with the booster it could be as high as 95%. I also work in an environment where this hasn’t been taken seriously, nobody has worn masks, and now more than half my office has or has had covid within the past few weeks.

Even knowing all of this, I am still terrified of making the wrong choice. I want to protect my baby - why do I have this fear that the booster is going to harm them or cause grave injuries? It feels like either way, there isn’t a great choice. I also don’t want to get COVID (yes I know I can still get it with the booster, but hopefully it would be mild and I’d have taken the precautions available to at least try to prevent it) and end up in the hospital, with something happening to them and/or me. One hour I’m ready to do this, the next I’m ready to cancel the appointment. I’m afraid I’m going to spend the rest of my pregnancy nervous something is wrong with the baby, and that it will be my fault. I got vaxxed prior to getting pregnant because I was just trying to do the right thing and not have to make such a decision while pregnant - I naively didn’t even consider that these would be the types of scenarios were still encountering 😔

I know this was long and thank you for the read. I’m not looking to spark any type of debate or be told that I’m stupid for having these fears…I’m not saying I don’t trust science or that I believe Facebook doctors over real ones, I’m just a pregnant woman trying to make the best choice for my unborn child and I’m scared 😔😔😔😔