Help not sure what to do


So I don’t usually go to the public about personal things but I don’t know what to do. I got married last year over the summer and I love my husband dearly. when we first started dating and knew we wanted to stay together we had talked about kids in our future we were both in agreement that we wanted kids, I wanted to wait until we were married and at the time I was looking into purchasing a business he wanted to wait to see where everything went with that. Jump ahead to today I have on that business I was looking into for two years and thanks to Covid and everything going on I have had extremely difficult time finding adequate help so that I can take time off to start a family or even spend time with my husband. I just recently turned 30 I really don’t wanna wait me longer to have kids my husbands 38 and does not want to be 40 by the time we have our first kid because he thinks that’s too old. Last year we talked about me getting my birth control out before or just after our wedding so we could try to have kids but decided not to because I really didn’t have enough help at work. Anytime I have attempted to discuss having kids with him since that point he agrees about having kids doesn’t care when we do it but honestly doesn’t seem like he wants to he doesn’t think that we’re in a place with my business for me to be able to take time off and when we discuss future plans like potential for needing daycare he seems to not want to talk about it. So the help/advice that I’m looking for from everybody is should I or should I not get my birth control out? I haven’t done it because I wanted to make sure he was just as ready and willing to help out with a kid in our lives as I am and it doesn’t seem like I’m going to get that. To me it seems like he’s only agreeing to make me happy and as much as it would make me happy to have a kid and As depressing as it would be to not have a kid I feel like it would be the complete opposite for him or at least that’s what he thinks it’s going to be and he just won’t admit it. For those of you’ve read all the way I’m sorry I talk a lot I ramble but I feel like people need to be able to see the whole picture before they judge. Thank you for your help