Too late to try again?


Some background information I had my first baby at 17, another at 19, an ectopic at 30 then a month later fell pregnant with my 3rd. Me and my husband decided to try for our last baby in December and were thrilled to see a faint positive a week ago. I tested every two days last week and noticed only a slight progression with the line. Then yesterday morning i began bleeding like a heavy period, cramping and clots in the blood, knowing it was obviously a miscarriage.

What I am thinking now is I’m already 33 and will be 34 in March, am I getting too old to be trying again and is this going to result in a miscarriage again. As awful as it sounds i just want to be pregnant again, I want this miscarriage to hurry up out the way so I can be pregnant. I work full time and that makes it so much more hurtful as I didn’t even get to tell anyone I was pregnant before this miscarriage and then didn’t tell anyone at work yesterday that i was miscarrying - and don’t plan too as I will get the “are you mad you already have 3 and a full time job comments”. My husband is supportive but it doesn’t take away the feelings of helplessness and loneliness. Sorry for the long message…