10 month old baby stopped rolling


Any advice? Has anyone else’s baby done this?

My 10 month old girl has been sleeping on her belly for about 4 months now. Whenever you put her in the crib, she would immediately roll onto her belly and stay that way.

She can crawl, stand, climb and roll. But last night when I placed her in her crib on her back she just started wailing and wouldn’t flip. I didn’t think much of it but I did flip her onto her belly and try to soothe her.

Well, today during her first nap she slept on her back, whenever I put her down on her back today on the floor she wouldn’t roll and now tonight again in her crib she is staying on her back.

Has anyone else’s baby ever done this? Refuse to roll? Did she tweak her arm or something maybe? I don’t think it would be her neck because she uses it fine and was looking from side to side.