I’m new to breast feeding and have questions

My baby is two weeks old today and I had made my mind up in the hospital that I was going to formula feed. I failed at breast feeding with my first and I didn’t want to fail again.

After we got home from the hospital, probably the second day, my milk came in and I had got a pump for a gift. So I decided to try it out and see how much milk I could get.

After doing that I got the 2oz she needed and fed it to her in a bottle. She acted really fussy after and I thought it was going to be like with my first and it just wouldn’t agree with her stomach. So I stopped giving it to her, but kept pumping, until her newborn check up. The dr said to try cutting caffeine out but I could keep dairy in my diet because the formula she’s been eating is dairy based.

So I have been giving her breast milk in a bottle for about a week now. But it’s been so hard pumping and trying to keep up with a supply for the bottle because I have to sit down and hold the pump to my boobs for 15 min and it feels like something always happens every time I try to pump, she either starts screaming her head off, my phone starts ringing, my toddler needs something or is getting into something. The list goes on.

So today I decided to try and get her to latch for the first time. And she did it, and she’s done it all day.

But here’s my questions

1. How do you know when to stop feeding her. (Ive been letting her eat until she unlatches)

2. If she unlatches how do I know if she got enough.

3. How often should I be feeding her. With the bottle it was every 3 hours and a 2oz bottle.

4. How often do I need to burp her

5. Should I alternate boobs with every feed

6. Should I still pump? If yes how often.