I'm really trying to be positive about ttc but it's getting harder and harder

Hello to all that decided to read my post. I just wanted to vent b/c I'm getting really frustrated with my body b/c of pcos. It's hard for me to conceive. I have been trying for years with ex boyfriend and my current boyfriend. I am currently 3 weeks late, I had light spotting when af was due for barely 2 days, took 2 HPT and by me always getting negatives I automatically think that it's a bfn, I swear I am my own bfp Grinch. My SO swears that they are positive but I didn't see it until later that day when he made me actually sit down and look, they actually do look like vvvvfl but I'm trying not to get my hopes up just to get disappointed. He said he went through this exact thing with his bm and daughter. It was hard for her to get pregnant (by the way we are 26) and at the time he was like 22 and she was 27 that was their first child period. He told me that when she took her HPT she got vvvvfl and turned out to be pregnant. I keep telling him every woman is different. I know he is getting really frustrated with me being so negative about the situation but how can I be positive when I haven't got pregnant yet. He keeps asking how can I be so negative when I all the symptoms are there nauseated all the time, mood swings, hot flashes, emotional, cramping, I even cried at a news segment the other day, I'm always hungry, and my belly is hard and round. I just don't want to get my hopes up. He swears that I am pregnant for the simple fact he think he is getting all my symptoms. I need help because I want to stay positive. Thanks for reading. I am also taking Geritol and Vitex to help boost fertility.