Not sure if this would be considered family issues.

Halie • Brian P Raines 🥰10/05/2018 💍02/05/2019 Delilah R Raines💞12/10/2020 @ 9:18am weighing 8lbs and was 20.5 inches long. Baby Raines #2 due October 24th, 2022 💞🥺🥰🤰

So I just recently found out I’m pregnant. I’m 6 weeks as of today. Long story short my mother and I no longer talk or have contact with each other on my choice. But she has an order of protection against me ☠️ like I was gonna talk to her anyways. Reason being is because she physically assaulted me as my under 1 year old at the time daughter was in the back then proceeded to make me get out of her car with our daughter and walk 20 minutes back to her house where I ended up calling the police on her for assault.

It also started raining right as we were able to get some things of ours from her house.

Last time I spoke to her was beginning of December after asking her multiple times to stop messaging me and she proceeded to and kept harassing me. So I blocked her and my cousin on all social media apps.

Now my cousin NEVER had TikTok before. I do have it. I had just found out she was STALKING me on there wheres I know now my mother knows I’m pregnant (I didn’t want her knowing) I blocked her on there and messaged my fiancés aunt and told her about it. Out of her own time she CHOSE to message my mother asking her to leave me alone, stop trying to find ways about how my daughter is doing or anything about my life and to just let me live in peace. She blocked my mother after saying that because she knew she was gonna message her a whole bunch of manipulative lies. Well since my mother couldn’t message her SHE HAD HER SISTER DO IT with the screenshot I attached.

Now come to find out when she said “You just got her in trouble for doing that”. I’m believing my mother was trying to see if I could get arrested for someone else standing up for me. And not me personally contacting her. I’m guessing it didn’t go through AND CALLED DCFS ON ME AND MY FAMILY! With some really bad false accusations! She claimed our place was “always” messy, that I CHOKED MY DAUGHTER, that my fiancé and I yelled around her which resulted in my daughter screaming, and that we gave her melatonin every night.

Now first off, my daughter is probably the happiest baby you’ll ever meet. I love my daughter more then anything and would never hurt her. Yes I’d get a bit angry because I was tired from her crying for no reason. But I never NEVER laid a hand on her. We gave my daughter 1mg of melatonin for when she was sick and fighting so much sleep, and the messy place? Hell no. Because I know better then that! She’s the one who has dogs who ALWAYS POOP AND PEE EVERYWHERE IN HER HOUSE! She’s the one who kept trying to tell me to leave my daughter alone when she was only 2 months old, she’s the one who gave her garlic at not even a MONTH OLD!

So I just wanted to know if anyone else has ever dealt with narcissistic, manipulative, controlling, abusive, lying mothers? And how can I get her to LEAVE ME ALONE AND STOP HARASSING ME! She keeps finding ways to harass me. It’s never ending.

And just an FYI she hasn’t seen me or my family since October 7th LAST YEAR! Rn the DCFS lady is looking to close our case as unfounded. She saw our room got disorganized from our daughter getting sick. All she wanted was for me to send pictures of our room clean to her once I got it clean THAT DAY and which I done so. I just want to know I’m not alone and how to stop this because I’m pregnant and I’m one moody momma and I will throw hands with someone who messes with my family like she is.

And no I’m not marking out my aunts name because she doesn’t deserve it for saying what she did. Resulting in DCFS getting involved.

My mother lost any custody of my brother and I when we were like 5-6 years old. She gave up and quit trying to fight for us. So DCFS definitely wouldn’t put my daughter with her. Honestly I just see her doing this out of jealousy because she knows how happy we are and because I’m pregnant again. I also see her doing it out of “revenge” which is going to backfire on her and bad karma will KICK HER ASS!

Btw my aunt was being highly hypocritical with saying “you believe one side without knowing both” wtf she think she doing? she’s only believing my mothers side and not even getting mine. 🤦🏻‍♀️ one day Karma will get them all! And I will gladly be happy when that happens. Rn part of the karma is her never seeing any kids my brother or I ever have. Plus she said she doesn’t have any “blood kids” just my cousin. What parent says that?

Any rant over. Any advice or any encouraging is very helpful and needed rn! 🥺💕

I also added a picture of our goofy happy and healthy babygirl! She’s about to be 15 months. 🥺