Husband No Longer Loves Me


My husband and I got married a year and a half ago and he just told me he doesn’t love me anymore. We have been together for almost 6 years and both feel like we are in the roommate phase. He now sees that as us just being friends and nothing more. He said that if he loved me, he would want to do things for me/with me and would get excited to be around me and he just doesn’t right now. He thinks that two people shouldn’t just stay married because of the commitment if they are no longer in love which I get, but all of the married couples I’ve talked to say that you fall in and out of love, go through rough patches, and have to stick it out. I feel like he’s just giving up without being willing to try. We were once deeply in love so I don’t understand why we couldn’t get back to that point. He won’t try counseling because he feels like he’s not all in. He said he’s more concerned about his happiness right now and he will do anything to be happy, with or without me. I guess we have different ideas of what the commitment of a marriage means. Has anyone else gone through this?