Drinking with low count

kiki • ❤️Married ❤️💙BoymomX3💙 TTC #1 for Husband😻 😥3yrs TTC 💜MFI💜

Obviously those that know my story are aware that we have been ttc for almost 3yrs with mfi. Just to catch those up who dont know my husband has azoospermia which means his count is really low. His count before getting a SA in November 2019 was 0.003%. Now his count as of November 2021 is 2million. He tends to go on drinking binges every so often with beer and occasionally liquor. I keep explaining to him that alcohol lowers sperm but he doesn’t believe me. He just said “well explain the alcoholics who have 10kids”sir what that got to do with you!🗣🤷🏽‍♀️🥴 You count is already low hell I think my 13yo could have a kid before him😑. My husband is fairly young so its definitely not a age thing. I have him taking a bunch of vitamins and he feels it pointless. How do I get this across to him especially since he feels like since his urologist didn’t say anything about it that its ok.