I just don’t understand….

I have a friend that has kids with her boyfriend and recently got married to him! We were so excited because they are such a great little family. But she made this comment that I’m realizing is a common mindset and I don’t understand. She said they waited to get married because marriage is a big commitment….Since this happened I have noticed it is a common thought. Totally marriage is a big commitment and you shouldn’t enter into it without thinking through it, but how in the world is having a child or multiple children with someone less of a commitment than marriage? I do not agree with this. It’s okay to take you time with those big commitments, but they purposely got pregnant before getting married. This is so backwards to me. Marriage is not as big of a commitment as having a child with someone….so backwards. I mean, for heavens sake, people throw around marriage like it is nothing anymore. Entering into and out of marriages easily. There is even a term called “starter marriage” like getting married for the first time is like buying your first home. You’ll never stay there. I don’t agree with this mindset either, but it is what it is. But to have children with someone and not get married because you don’t think you are ready for marriage, but somehow ready to have a child???? I will never understand….

I want to voice too, I know people get pregnant all the time without being married. Some accidentally get pregnant, some never plan to get married. Okay, yeah. But waiting to get married after having kids together on purpose because you see marriage as a bigger commitment??? You can walk away from a marriage and never look back, but once you are parents, you are always parents.