Sleep deprived and scared


I have a beautiful 1 month old baby girl who sleeps great during the day but every night is a toss up. I stress all day long if I should wake her up if she sleeps longer than two hours to eat. Prior to this past week she was waking up on her own every two hours during the day and night. During the day she would stay up some after her bottle but at night she normally would go back to sleep. Now at night she’ll wake up for a bottle and it’s a guessing game on if she’ll go back to sleep or not. Last night she woke up at 3:30 and wouldn’t go back to sleep until close to 7am when my husband finally stuck her in the swing and let her cry until she fell asleep. My question is am I letting her sleep too much during the day or not enough and then she’s overtired at night? Should I consistently wake her to eat during the day or feed on demand? I yelled stop at her last night when she wouldn’t stop crying which was when my husband woke up and took her downstairs to the swing. I’m so scared that I’ll do something when I’m sleep deprived that I won’t even realize I’m doing it, drop her, leave her somewhere she can fall etc. I’ve tried everything the books have said about night and day confusion and I am just so beside myself on what to do.