Experienced momma’s, please help!!!


So, my son is 6 weeks old and I’m first time mom. At night, I change and feed my son and then I rock him until he’s in a deep sleep. Then I transfer him into his bassinet. And then he’ll sleep anywhere between 3-5 hours usually. But, I’ve heard that it’s not good to have a sleep association like that. Something about how I should rock him until he’s drowsy but not in a deep sleep. But, any time I’ve put him down before he’s in that deep sleep, he wakes up. And he cry’s and then I have rock him back to sleep to calm him down and back to sleep. And I know you’re not supposed to do the cry it out method especially at this age. So, how do I know the perfect time to move him and like how do I break this association if this is the only way he’ll sleep good? I don’t mind rocking him right now but I eventually what him to be an independent sleeper when he’s older. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated!!!