TW: mention of loss. Can someone comment with experience please?


I had two chemical pregnancies back to back (February and March). No cycle in between. I tracked ovulation between both and after the second loss as well. I got the normal signs of ovulation (pressure in ovaries, ewcm, and a peak opk). I should’ve ovulated on March 30th. I started progesterone on April 1st. Took pregnancy test on April 12 (negative). Took another one on April 13 (also negative) so I discontinued use of progesterone (April 12 was last day used). Now, April 14 I have no sign of my period - none of the usual spotting, cramps or anything.

If anyone has had anything similar, when did your period return?

I know it’s super unlikely I’m pregnant but if I still don’t have a period on Sunday, I’m going to test again.