Rant about men! VERIZON #1


I love my boyfriend with all my heart but sometimes I just feel like he does these simple things to get on my nerves😩

1. I have to poop


2. Changing baby's diaper

"Why did mom put you in this outfit it's so hard to get off" (finally gets the outfit off) "let's just put you in a sleeper"🙄

3. Reusing baby's bottle🍼

He will take the bottle I last used to feed baby and just rinse it out and say "why dirty all these clean bottles"

4. Talking while baby is sleeping😴

If she is sleeping when he puts her down and I talk he says "learn to observe the room" but when I've put baby down three times already he starts talking about how he wishes he could just run down to the gas station really quickly when baby wakes up screaming he goes downstairs and says he can't sleep and he can't talk.

5. Asking him to bring a bottle upstairs🍼👆

You can go downstairs and make a bottle yourself but god forbid you ask him to make one and he says "I know better than that your just gonna complain later about how you have more dishes to clean"

6. Dirtying clothes🧦 (back to #2)

If I change baby's clothes more than twice a day I'm wasting clean laundry but when he changes baby's clothes because he can't figure them out it's perfectly fine because it's just one outfit

7. Getting frustrated with baby🥴😠

When baby just won't stop crying and you have done everything and just wanna cry with her while her dad is asking if you have "tried this yet" and takes baby for it to work for him and all of a sudden he has "mom instincts"

8. Bath time! 🛀🚿

You always give baby a bath every night but if baby starts crying while he is laying in bed on his phone all ready to fall asleep after a long day of pooping, watching TV and scrolling through socal media he wants her to be quiet🤐🤫

More coming soon!