This sucks


I hate the feeling of being stretched so thin and trying so hard to take care of everyone and everything around me but feeling like everything I do is NEVER enough for anyone. I hate that I have to be super careful and watch what I say in fear it’s going to piss someone off and for the sake of my own sanity I try as hard as I can to avoid conflict cause I just don’t have the mental capacity to take on an unwanted fight. I hate having the feeling that if I say the wrong thing not meaning to it’s going to completely turn the whole day around and I’m going to be the one in the wrong any time it happens. It just sucks. Sorry for the rant but I didn’t really have anywhere else to rant about it with out getting mine tons of questions from family that I really don’t want to answer right now. If you made it this far thank you. I guess what I was wanting is someone to tell me it does get better and I’m not the only one feeling like this right now. Thanks guys very much for letting me get it out.