DONT GIVE UP ‼️🥰 must read bfp !!

Londa🦄💜🥺 • boy girl mom💙💜

Hi TTC mommies ! i know where not suppose to post bfp test so i’m not and this is NOT a post to make other feel bad this is a post to help others ! implantation is real it don’t always be light or spotting or last for a day or two from experience i had it twice like a period last month feb 20 i start bleeding out of no where no cramps no pms and it 8 days before my normal period time but i start bleeding like a normal period for four days like my normal period wasn’t light it was heavy the normal blood color as well ! i had pregnancy symptoms as well so the fourth day of the bleeding which was now brown bloody discharge i took a test which would be at 9dpo and got a “ YES” on my digital test ! unfortunately it end up being a chemical week or two later , how ever that bleeding happened to me twice when i was pregnant ( diff pregnancies) and pls don’t think because your test is negative at 8,9,10,11 dpo your out because that’s NOT true ! after my chemical last month i tried again i knew when i ovulated so i never used those strips i always have 28 or 32 day cycle so in this case i had a 32 which meant o ovulated on day 18 , i took at test @ 8,9,10 dpo all stark white negative not even faint faint lines they were flat out negative so i thought i was out which had me down but how ever on dpo 13 which was a day before my period i checked cervix sorry TMI and i seen pink discharge and a little bit of bright red discharge !. so i’m thinking okay this is my period coming it’ll be here in the morning y’all Wednesday morning i woke up cramping and had that wet discharge feeling like i always do before my period , the cramps where on and off they kind of felt differently but i still thought my period was coming never came so yesterday which would make my 2nd day of missed period i woke up no cramps or spotting or blood so i took a test and the lines came up right away i am pregnant ! moral of the story your never out until AF comes just because you see some getting they bro at 8,9,10 don’t mean your out !. i did noticed signs so feel free to ask many any questions i’ll answer them ❤️💙 💛💚🧡