Husband won’t tell his friends I’m pregnant


My husband and I hang out with his friends fairly often and he keeps making excuses why he won’t tell them he’s having a baby. I’m over 16 weeks pregnant and starting to show and he’s still not telling them which is his choice. I’m not going to hide anything.

The thing that’s upsetting me is that they talk a lot of shit on me not working (my doctor told me to stop working at 10 weeks due to severe HG to avoid having to go on bed rest). Husband obviously didn’t mention that part to his friends and just told them I’m not working. He keeps saying he doesn’t want them to “judge him” which is kinda hurtful to be told because we’ve been married for almost a year. I’m tired of getting shit talked by men in their 20s who almost all live at home for not working because my husband won’t just tell them. He also doesn’t want me to post anything about it on social media because of it but why should I keep my friends out of the loop because he is scared to tell his?

Side note: he didn’t tell his dad until I was 13 weeks and his sister until I was 15 weeks.