OPK confusion day 18

Katie • Trying for our first baby. 31 year old
Hello! I'm brand new here, my husband and I are excited to being ttc but I'm so confused about my ovulation days. 
​I stopped taking the pill in January. My last cycle was 35 days long. 
​Today is day 18. 
​I've been taking a Clear Blue digital test everyday since day 11. 
​The <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> is "predicting" that my fertility frame started two days ago yet I have yet to receive a positive OPK
​Is there still hope that ill ovulate? Could I have missed it?? 
​I was in BC for 17 years I'm worried about not ovulating. 