Annoying MIL


so i moved to the UK

with my husband and my husband doesn’t really contacts his parents

because he says she’s been toxic to him anyway he argues with her alot and told me he doesn’t feel mother relationship with her but the thing that bothers me is she has never came to see her grandchild ever since he was born not brought one thing for him

not even a lollipop that’s like a centt 20p worth maybe 10p like🤯 that ok if you vant afford it atleast call me check how im doong with the baby maybe come over for coffee and talk thats fine by me but Nope she totally avoids me …

i was always portrayed as the bad one … they never respect me always have put me down and disrespected me and my family in so many ways it’s embarrassing and my SIL hasent apologized to me after cursing me out while i was pregnant that was over a year ago for my little sister it’s another story you can read it on my profile anyway his mother

she keeps texting him

bashing him basically one message after another saying

you don’t have family anymore

you just have them

where are you

what did they

give you that your like that

what potion

my husband says to me ignore it as i do and he dosent reply to her which makes it worse because she starts spamming his and my phone and when she rings of my phone she only asks to talk to him ….

after my husband told her he multipe times he dosent want her in his life anymore to avoid a toxic relationship to him and our child and she keeps on annoying him

i mean 🤯🤯🤯🤯 how disrespectful she litreally “wrote what did they give you what potion” we have a child toughter why would she even say that ?!!! i’ll post a pic but in another language its in Poland btw

any advice for me what should or could i do about this i want to tell her back like your talking to the wrong person ffs🙃