FTM needing some advice and guidance, no judgment plz

Okay I'm needing some advice or opinions. My LO is 7 weeks old I take care of her during the day and my husband takes care of her at night including getting up in the middle of the night to feed her. I'm exclusively pumping and i pump every 3 hours or 3 hours and 30 min max (even at night so I'm always exhausted) I'm an over supplier so if I don't pump its very painful for me. My husband does a lot. He santizes all the bottles in the evenings, Cooks the meals, takes care of our chickens, all while working on getting a certification that is extremely difficult so he can work from home & make good money to provide for us so I can be a SAHM and care for our daughter. He stays up all night studying and working to get this certification. I've been feeling guilty lately like I'm not doing enough around the house or cooking but pumping takes up SO much of my time and so does taking care of our daughter. Should I be doing more to help? Should i not feel guilty at all? My husband never complains really but he will act passive aggressive and I can tell he's getting annoyed with my strict pumping schedule and lack of doing things. He thinks I need better time management skills. I'm just still trying to figure out how to be a mom and wife and keep my house and everything. While trying to take care of myself, which I'm barely doing now. I'm basically just in survival mode at the moment.