Ear Infection

I believe I may have developed an ear infection, but since that last time I had one I was two, I cannot recal really what it feels like or how to tell. 
It's in my left ear and the pain started slowly throughout Sunday. The pain has spread from my ear to the base of my skull, and across my eye, into my hairline and nose. Making it very difficult to wear my glasses (I need them for everything). 
Warm air hurts, cold air hurts. Touching my outer ear hurts. Noise over a whisper hurts. I have been awake since 1:00 am, have taken two whole Tylenol (normally I only take one half) and it is not touching it. Before I went to sleep I took a whole 800 mg ibuprofen (also normally only take one) and that didn't help either. 
I have a check up planned with my doctor on  Dec 22, should I wait until then to seek treatment or should I forgo work today to seek out the ER or a clinic?
Also, should I forgo work either way?