Grocery delivery to wrong address

I opened my front door and found a bunch of groceries from Walmart. I was able to catch the driver and told her that I didn't order anything but the order was under my apartment #. I told her the apartments across the parking lot also has the same apartment # but they technically have a different street #. She said she would contact the customer and so I went inside. I waited about 5 minutes thinking she would take the groceries but she left them and took off. The groceries didn't have an address but they had a name so my husband contacted the manager and she said she would contact the customer. She also said she's had a lot of issues with this lady and to not touch anything, lock the door and stay inside. Its been about an hour now and I am wondering at what point do I just bring them inside? I don't want them but I feel bad because they have milk and yogurt and other perishables. I figured she got delivery for a reason and probably doesn't want to walk over here and up 3 stories lol. I hope she comes soon. I don't want that food to go to waste. Also noting that I do not know exactly where this woman lives and i have 3 small children with me so i can't go out looking for her.