Breast feeding


FTM- 4 days PP and my milk has started coming in. First off, just survived our first night home and it went alot better than I expected. We were feeding him any colostrum I was able to get and finishing with formula until my milk started coming in. So last night I chest fed and I would pump/ feed him whatever I pumped plus a little formula. Well my husband would then get him to sleep but baby would be looking for a boob. So I’d put him back on my boob for a couple minutes until he fell asleep and then he sleep for a couple hours until his next feeding. His he just not getting enough that he wants the boob again? Or is it a comfort thing? I was told to give him 10-15ml but wasn’t told for how long. Now that my milk is coming in does he need more to fill up if my husband is feeding him? I don’t see a lactation consultant until the 4th and the nurses at the hospital were not the best explaining/ helping me breast feed