He doesn't want to move

My husband doesn't want to move house whereas I desperately want to leave.

We are renting from a family member, I have posted about them before. This family member is still here and making my life so miserable. I want to cry all the time. I want to leave so badly but my husband refuses. He says he's so comfortable and why must he spend the money on deposits and moving vans, and and and. But this family member has become so nasty to me, and only me. So I guess it's hard for my husband to understand why I want to go, because he's still bring treated nicely.

How should I handle this? I've threatened to move out by myself but he says no, he won't pay for me to live somewhere else (he is the breadwinner, I contribute to some costs but he pays majority).

I don't know what to do and I'm deeply depressed over this.

#I don't earn enough to move out by myself, even if I rent the cheapest place. My salary covers about a quarter of the stuff his does. I certainly hope he's not sleeping with her, and no I'm not that other cancer poster.