
Abigail • 19, 🏳️‍🌈, Ontario, Canada

Hi! I’m really hoping someone can help me with this. I’m 16, female. I just made a drs appointment (for the first time by my self), to bring up the fact that I think I may have autism. I’ve been doing research for a couple weeks and think I need to talk to someone abt it, I haven’t told my parents yet. All of my life I’ve felt different. For example I am absolutely horrible and uncomfortable in social situations, have hard time making eye contact, I am uncomfortable with physical touch from almost everyone (even parents, I haven’t hugged my dad since I was like 10), loud noises really bother me (fireworks, yelling, I’m in an auto class and have my ears covered 99%, etc), textures really bug me (I couldn’t wear jeans until I was 14, I’ve been considered a picky eater my entire life, when my hair touches my neck, sequins, etc), I’ve always had a really hard time making friends, my small group of friends was introduced to me and they grew on me (I didn’t have very many friends growing up either), these are just a few of many things/symptoms/signs I’ve researched that fit. Anyways, my real question is, what should I be prepared for at the doctors appointment? I have a hard time opening up/ and/or explaining things to people and I’m sure they’re going to ask a lot of questions? Is there some sort of test? I just wanna prepare, so any advice is really appreciated, especially if you’re on the spectrum! Thanks so much.