Mom Guilt? Swimming/POSSIBLE TRIGGER

my daughter is about to turn 15 months old. Lately in the bath, she has been showing interest in wanting to go under water. She sits all nice and calm having fun, and then has just been dipping her face in. She has done this quite a few times.

Today, we took her to the public pool for the first time. She was in one of them full body floaties.

We took her out to just hold her and wade in the water. She was very interested.

I've read alot about babies going under, and how to teach them.

We blew in her face, so she would hold her breath, and we let her go.

She went under, on her back.

We hurried and scooped her back up.

It didn't phase her physically. Just emotionally.

By this I mean, she wasn't coughing and going crazy (nothing even close to when she decides to chug too much water)

Maybe a single cough, and then was crying cus she was upset. For maybe 30 second to a minute. And then she was happy go lucky again.

But GRRRRRRR. ever since I found out about dry drowning..

So even though she didn't show any symptoms whatsoever of any drowning, nothing different than when we are getting the shampoo out of her hair when showering (other than her crying from being mad at us). Is dry drowning a possibility? Or is that only if she was "saved" from drowning.

For those who don't know, dry drowning is basically water is hidden in the lungs after a drowning episode that they didn't die from.

And this water can travel to their lungs hours or even days later, and they can drown from that.

Thank you so much for your help.