Nausea and Throwing Up


This may be TMI it may not be. I'm not posting pics or anything so, read ahead with caution.

I'm exactly 11 weeks (according to this app [my first ultrasound is at the end of the month]) with my first baby and the nausea is just....ungodly. I've thrown up probably 5 times in the last 48 hours. I already had a very negative reaction to vomiting before I got pregnant and now it seems to have become a daily occurrence. I've been hearing that it's supposed to get better/easier as I progress in the pregnancy but it feels like it's only getting worse. It's to the point where I want to go to an urgent care to get something to help ease this nausea. I've tried Preggie Pop Drops, Lemon Ginger Lozenges, the pressure points, bed rest, teas, and nothing is helping. My poor mom doesn't know how to help either. Anybody have any advice for this first time mom?? Please?? Thank you.