I just need to rant!

So me and my fiance went to a wedding last night, I'm 27 weeks pregnant and have just been extremely uncomfortable for the last couple weeks so I already wasn't super excited to go. My fiance said we wouldn't stay too long so I thought whatever we will go support them for a while and leave. Well we get there and the only chairs they have are super uncomfortable metal ones. I ended up going to sit in the truck at 8:30 because everything hurt and I just couldn't do the socializing anymore. My fiance ended up coming back to the truck at 11:15 basically being carried by his friends with a huge swollen foot. So now I'm cranky because I have to drive home after being told we weren't gonna stay late and he's drunk and can't walk. We start driving away and get 10 minutes down the road and we get a phone call from one of the guys that he left weed in our truck. He never once got permission to put weed in our truck! So I have to turn around and drop it off and this guy asks for a ride home. I worry about everyone and don't want them driving drunk so I said I guess and he hops in. So I bring him home and my fiance is just moaning and groaning in the passenger seat from pain. I looked at his foot and said it's broken we need to go to the hospital but he says he's fine. I said fine but I'm not bringing you back in the middle of the night (we are an hour from home) we get home and he can't sleep so he's just tossing and turning and yelling from pain so naturally I don't get any sleep either. 4am rolls around and he wants to go the hospital. So we load back into the car and make the 40 minute drive back into town to go to the ER. We sit there for 3 hours while he's finally sleeping in the bed and I'm on a little fold up chair. Well he broke his foot in 4 places and needs surgery. Going to be out for like 12 weeks. We finally leave at 7:30 and have to go pick up some meds for him. I told him I need to go to my moms to sleep because I haven't slept at this point in 24 hours. We end up getting there and falling asleep at 9am. 11am he wakes me up and says he wants to go home. We had a 30 minute drive to pick up the kids and another 45 minute drive home. So now I've gotten 2 hours of sleep and we are finally home and he's sound asleep while I have to stay awake to watch the 5 year old and 3 year old. Not to mention I only work part time because of the kids and he is responsible for 80% of our income and now he can't work for 12 weeks. We are supposed to get married in a year and also have a baby on the way. I don't even know what to do at this point. We have nothing for the baby yet and only paid for the wedding venue. There's no way we can afford this and it's all because he was drunk and tried wrestling his friend. I know he's in some serious pain but I can't help but just hate him right now. My income alone won't even cover our normal bills. I'm just freaking out right now 😩