Preterm Labor - Experiences?



I went into preterm labor at 30 weeks 2 days this last weekend and was staying at the hospital. Back story- I have a synechiae from a D&C in 2013 for a retained placenta after having my daughter. Supposedly this can increase preterm risks as well. I started having contractions and they got worse. It started with a lightening cervix feeling and would become a 40 second contraction. I tried water, rest, floating in the pool & they kept picking up. I have had a lot of BH since 24 weeks & leaking quite a bit of colostrum since 28. I called the OB on call and she had me come in. They went from 10 min apart for an hour to about 3-5 for 6 hours. At first they did fluids, no luck, then procardia, not much luck then shot me with terbutaline which worked overnight. I was sent home with procardia and am still having contractions every hour not quite as consistent but I can’t stand or my pelvis feels very heavy & I’m getting shooting cervical pains before they come with the meds still. It’s been 3 days straight. My doc wants me to revisit my MFM this week. But did anyone else have a similar experience and carry to term? I’m not sure what to expect. I was induced at 40, 5 with my 1st.