Postpartum sex

MommaJay • Just here for the tea

I decided to have sex 3 weeks and 3 days postpartum and it went pretty well! The doctor basically was confusing on wether or not it was okay but I used lube, took it slow, and made sure to rinse well after and the only issue I have had was a hot flash and some itching (I had to be cut and got stitches during delivery) but not really painful and was actually pretty enjoyable! Obviously not gonna make it a regular thing again until I heal fully but I am really happy for taking this step. Any other tips on PP sex aftercare? Thank you for any that you can think of! (I do know it was possibly a dangerous idea and reccomend waiting for anyone in my situation to get a 100% go ahead from their doctor but personally I couldnt wait any longer 😂)

Edit- my question was if yall had any tips for aftercare with PP sex. I didnt ask if it was a good idea or not... sheesh