Please read. UT issues

I had a UTI 6/1 and with 3 days of antibiotics it started burning, originally asymptomatic UTI but I thought it was getting worse because i started getting symptoms. I told my OB/GYN this and she changed the antibiotics but the pharmacist wanted me to do a culture before because she doesn’t really agree with the a antibiotics for pregnancy. I did get tested the same day 6/8 and dipstick was negative, culture came back negative but on 6/11 I was crying from pain. My vagina burns so bad in general, mainly in the vagina itself. It also burns when I pee sometimes and hurts to pee like feels like something is cutting through my ureter, also peeing every 5 seconds and in small amounts. So, they did another dipstick, negative. They sent it for a culture got the results back today, negative for growth. I am still burning, sometimes in pain, and sometimes it burns when i pee. I want to rip my actual vagina out because of the burning. They are treating it has a yeast infection. I didn’t think so at first because I didn’t think it could cause pain with urination and burning apparently so because it causes a lot of inflammation and irritation. I got a swab done but waiting on results for yeast, BV, STI, etc. Today, I got another dipstick test done and it should small amount of leukocytes, no nitrites, and small amounts of blood. Could the findings in todays urine be from BV, yeast, or something other than a UTI? I will also say, I do have the yeast cream in me, so I’m sure part of that got in the sample. I’m so frustrated and worried. This has been an ongoing issue for months and each time I had leukocytes in urine but no nitrites so they said no UTI because i wasn’t pregnant then. I am thinking I might have a stone in my bladder or something because it’s only burning and painful with urinating sometimes, same thing with the urgency. Also, thinking maybe IC. This has been an ongoing issue on and off since birth of my second 1/31 and got worse after I got a kidney stone a couple months later.

(Once the swab test comes back if it doesn’t show anything I will be asking for a referral to Urologist. I just dont know if I have reoccurring BV or yeast infections and want to determine that first).