Am i in the wrong?

My ex and i have been separated for almost 3 years. I’ve moved on, in a relationship and have a 1 year old.

To this day, selective family members still have him on social media. ( including my parents)

It consistently bothers me that he still has “access” in some way to my life.

In the past, he’s commented on pictures of my son ( that my parents have posted), he’s reached out to family members asking how I’ve been. (Within the last 6-12 months.)

I know i can’t force my family to delete him from their social media, but where’s the middle ground?!

I’ve taken my step and make sure I’ve blocked him on every social media platform I have.

My family and parents don’t know about the abuse that happened in our relationship, and I don’t want to put that bad energy out.


#hell and #help