Illnesses contracted during week of PMS


Hey everyone. I’m a 22 year old woman who’s had struggles with my PMS and period since it began when I was 11. At first it was just flu like symptoms and stomach upset that would fade after a day or two. Since December, I’ve had various illnesses contracted the week prior to bleeding. I don’t get sick any other time. It began Dec 2021 with Covid. Which, at the time, made sense because it was going around like crazy. It didn’t stop there, however. In April, I got sick with mono. Began PMS week, lasted until June. This month, July, I was in the ER with a 102.5 fever, elevated white blood cells and an inflamed colon. Just a day prior to bleeding.

I feel absolutely lost. If anyone can suggest what type of doctor may be able to help, I’d appreciate it. So far I’ve been to the GI and a rheumatologist. No conclusive answers yet. This is robbing my life.