
Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

So my therapist mentioned that I might be bipolar(last time I saw her she said I was probably having a mixed episode) and I’ve been looking into it and started noticing that I might be manic right now but part of me feels like I’m wrong, it’s not bipolar disorder, I’m just weird. Mostly because the big ones I see over and over are like “Not caring about the consequences of your actions/how they affect others” and “People around you notice you’re more energized/talkative” but I’m always conscious of what I do around people unless I’m like morbidly depressed or I’m only with people I’m really close to and feel comfortable with. Which is like 2 people. And it just frustrates me cause i feel uncomfortably vigilant and excited and hyper and I’m like damn. But also like “what if I’m just reading into things and I’m just weird and not bipolar and even if I am it doesn’t really matter cause it’s not bad, I just feel like I’m gonna explode sometimes.”