Is this a normal thing when getting induced?


So I was scheduled for an induction yesterday but my doctor office didn’t register it with the hospital, saying that they thought I was still deciding. Then they said they have to push it to today because I need to do an echocardiogram to make sure my heart is health for a vaginal delivery (kept having rapid heart rate and breathing problems along with other medical issues my whole pregnancy). I was scheduled to go to the hospital this morning at 8:30 they called saying the floor is busy to call then at 12 for the OK to head to the hospital. I called back at 11:15 to see if I can eat or drink something because their email previously said nothing after midnight they said it’s fine to eat and as for my induction I should call back at 4 or they will call me because the labor floor is full 😑. This is the top hospital in my area and is actually rank a #1 trauma center so I choose them to be safe, but now that I am towards the end of the my pregnancy I feel like they are doing more of what they feel like and not actually going on what was discussed and agreed on in the being. At my last two appointments they kept saying They want me to go to 40 weeks which is this weekend and after going over all the health risk and saying the longer I’m pregnant the more strain it having on my body and the more health problems I’m developing. My heart rate keeps going up to like 120 sometimes a little bit over, my breathing my is getting worse and my inhaler isn’t even working that well anymore if I try to put my hair in a ponytail I feel like I’m gonna pass out, which I have told them and why my induction is/was scheduled for today even my previous OB that I was in love with but don’t trust the hospital that he delivers at agreed that this hospital is supposedly on top of their shit and listens to their patients. They recently had to put me on iron tablets because my iron is getting to the point where I might need blood infusion, I’m hypoglycemic, I’m borderline malnutrition ( Which I don’t get cause I am 200+ pounds) and the fact that I haven’t gained any weights since I’ve been pregnant I’ve mostly been losing weight or going back up to the weight I was before I got pregnant. The baby on the other is fully developed based on what they can see healthy growing how he’s supposed to and nothing is wrong with Homie based on what they can tell. My health on the other hand is going to shit and I feel as if these people are trying to delay my induction as much as possible and for what! So is this a normal thing with being induced where they give you a time but keep changing it or are these people just trying not to induce me and just saying fuck your Health as long as the baby is born 40 weeks we don’t care.