How to tell a guy who takes everything wrong it’s over

A guy I’ve been talking too for 3 months our communication has gone from 90% communication to 60% to now 18%

Every-time I voice to him my concerns

Like I have said:

August 2nd - hey is everything ok? I respect your busy, but we barely talk anymore.

August 30th I understand your busy with work, I haven’t heard from you in a few days. I Hope everything’s ok.

September 8th - Hey, is this something you’re still interested in? I understand you’re busy. It’s just we barely speak anymore and haven’t made plans in awhile…I’m trying here ….

His response is always the same Soooo sorry I can’t respond ASAP I work 7 am - 3pm, why should I bother I never do anything right by you, everywhere I turn it’s a dead end. I’m tired of feeling like everything I do is wrong sorry I suck at communicating 🤷‍♂️

Sooooo sorry I was arguing with my uncle for 6 hours and soooo sorry I can never do anything right by you

I’ve already told you I get busy sooooo sorry I can’t respond immediately. Seems nothing is gonna change 🤷‍♂️

How do I tell someone it’s over when they take everything wrong or they feel they’re always doing wrong?