In laws


Anyone else not like how their baby daddy’s family treats their child? I am wanting to gentle parent and raise my daughter to learn how to regulate her emotions and respect herself and generally just to be a healthy person. My family can understand where I’m coming from on most parts of that and generally treat her the way I want her to be treated. Meanwhile her dad’s family treat her more like she’s “just” a baby and you can make her do stuff and say whatever like it won’t matter. But for me it matters what you say to her and how you treat her. Like one of her aunts (she’s a teenager) tried to hold her but she was being shy cause she hadn’t seen her in a while and her aunt said “fine I don’t want you anyway”. And I feel like that’s not that the right way to treat a baby because it’s not her fault and it really pisses me off. Is anyone going through this? And how do you help stay regulated yourself? It makes me just want to keep her away from them sometimes just to protect her and keep her energy safe