Frustrated - sister trying to feed baby

I’m not sure what the point in me posting this is, I just feel like I need to rant really I think lol.

I have a 9 month old, he has allergies, we had so many problems in the first few months trying to get him on a milk that suited him, he ended up on a special milk. When he turned 6 months, we had to go slowly with solid foods, be really careful with it, we are still going slowly and introducing 1 food at a time slowly to make sure hes not reacting to things.

My sister was always saying through out my pregnancy “i’m going to be that auntie that feeds your kids loads of sugar, hypes them up and then hands them back to you” and things like that. We dont live close, so she saw her when baby was born, and i’ve not seen her since.

However we her this morning as she came to visit. We went out to a resturant, and literally the first thing she said was “soooo what can i feed him them” and started trying to give him all different foods off her plate. We explained not to give him anything, we’d brought food for him that we’d pre-made ourselves. The whole time we were there she kept asking to feed him things “what about this” “well if hes not had this before lets try it now”. and every time we said no it was “ohhh youre ruining my fun” “this kids going to have a boring life with you” blah blah blah.

When we left she then wanted to go to a candy shop and buy him candy, I explained hes 9 months old, hes not having candy. He’s reactive to cows milk protein and things and also its a choking hazard and things. Again she wasnt happy. We then went in the mall to buy dinner for the night and she was in there trying to buy marshmellows “well they arent a choking hazard and dont have milk in, so i’m going to give him these”. I ended up shouting at her and said to just stop, he’s not having anything like that!! She wasnt happy “you’ve ruined my day” “youre no fun to this kid” “youre ruining my fun i wanted to feed him”.

I guess I’m just frustrated, she wasnt there in the first few months to see just how ill he really was with his reactions it was such a horrible time and weaning onto solids has been such an anxiety thing for me and im scared to make him ill, weve had to be so careful with what we give him and hes only been on solids for 3 months. And even if he didnt have allergies, i dont think id want my baby eating all sorts of candy and things at 9 months anyway and she should respect that! I’m just annoyed and feel like i dont want to see her again.

Just to add, my sister is nearly 30, and has no kids.