
so for a few months now my baby has hardly been getting any sleep. she’s never liked napping in her own bed. she’s always needed contact naps but for the past month or two she wouldn’t sleep in her own bassinet even at night. i might get a lot of hate for this but since i EBF i started cosleeping with her to get some more sleep. it worked for the first week or two but now even with cosleeping she is constantly awake at night and wanting to suckle but not really eating. i’ve tried giving bottles before bed and even adding cereal to them and even that has not helped. we’ve also started trying baby foods in hope to get something else in her belly but she will not eat them. i’ve also tried following sleep and wake schedules but she won’t nap but like 30 minutes at a time. she occasionally will take a 1hour nap once a day but even that is a contact nap. she won’t take any kind of paci. i’ve even tried the cry it out method but she still just cries until she throws up or until someone picks her up. i’m out of ideas and exhausted. plz help. she is almost 6 months now. EDITED TO ADD: i’ve also been around babies my entire life and have never seen one fight their sleep as bad as she does.