HELP!!! what would you rather give your kids…room caption first please!

i have 4 bedrooms total. master is one. then we have two other decent sized rooms (with large closets) and then a smaller room (with a smaller closet).

i have two kids (boy aged 4, daughter aged 1.5) plus a baby girl on the way. i’m going to have my two daughters share a bedroom.

the room my daughter is currently in is the smallest room. it may work to have a toddler bed and crib in there for them to share, but the dresser would have to be in the closet. so basically the bedroom just wouldn’t be “decorated nice” like i wanted. but this way i could keep my son in his room and the toy room the way it is.

or i could have the girls go into the bigger toy room and move the toy room to the small room. but i would have to downsize a lot of toys (i wanted to anyways) and it may make toy storage a bit difficult because of the closet size, and the room would be a bit crammed in a way. i mean they’re small people so it would probably be ok. but we do have bigger toy items (i plan to rotate these out anyways).

or i could have my son go in the small room that my daughter is in now and have the two bigger rooms be the girls shared room and the toy room but i would rather not switch my son. he’s funny that way and sentimental with certain things (i mean he would probably adjust but still) and he has a twin bed so the room again would be tight.

what do you guys think?

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