Working moms

So I had an interview at a daycare the other day that was going GREAT until i was asked if I would have someone to watch my kids if they got sick and weren’t able to go to school, which I have NEVER been asked during an interview. I explained that my husband and I have an agreement that we will take turns calling off of work when our kids are sick, but no I cannot guarantee that I won’t ever have to call out due to my kids but also explained that they really don’t get sick much, so I wouldn’t see it being a problem either. After that, her entire attitude changed and honestly started being incredibly snotty and rude. And I haven’t heard back so I doubt I got the job. What gets me is, she also has kids. She had pictures all over her office. How do you expect a mom to not be there when her kids are sick? Or expect someone else to watch them and also get sick? Why are moms expected to work like they don’t have kids? And then parent like they don’t work? Especially considering it’s a DAYCARE, they should understand since they themselves can’t have sick children and have very strict rules about it. Obviously schools do as well. Honestly I’m just very frustrated and really overwhelmed trying to find a job now that both of my kids are in school, but apparently have to work like I don’t have any.