Curbside Delivery


My second daughter arrived on 9/14 after a fast labor.

I woke up at 2:15 am, feeling uncomfortable.

Woke my husband up about ten minutes later, still not sure if I was having contractions.

We called my mom at 2:44 and I still wasn’t sure if I was actually in labor but she said she was going to start heading our way regardless (we have a toddler who she was on standby to care for).

Shortly after, things were getting a little more intense so my husband called our friends who lived 8 minutes away and they were going to hustle over.

At 3:05 my water broke.

At 3:24 am, my daughter was delivered by her dad, two minutes from the hospital.

EMS showed up minutes later, finding my husband kneeling in the road holding our daughter.

We are home now and everyone is happy and healthy. But - I do not recommend a curbside delivery if you can avoid it.

7 lbs 11 oz

38 weeks 6 days