Behavioral issues in Kindergartener

My son is 5 and I feel like his behavior is somewhat normal for his age, but there are times where I feel like it’s not normal and there’s an issue here

In the last 6-12 months he’s changed so much. He used to be a sweetheart and sometimes he is…but lately he’s been harder to deal with. I’ll just list the behavior that alarms me:

• He’s overly emotional to small mishaps. If we ran out of something he wanted he acts as if it’s the end of the world sometimes. Like we just moved in our home and haven’t gotten a toaster yet and he cried because he wanted waffles.

• He repeats negative unwanted behavior even after I’ve asked him to stop and even used timeout or loss of privileges.

• When I discipline him he will say “nobody loves me” or “nobody wants me around”. Idk where he gets that from so I reassure him that we love him and want him around but he can’t be treating people the way he does.

• He can be vindictive to his sister, I’ve caught him angrily grinding his teeth while he tries to bump into her with his scooter, he’s held her down with his body weight before. He’s also tickled her acting like he’s playing but he was digging his hands into her to hurt her. It can be scary how much anger he has towards her. She’s sweet to him and says she loves him and he will ignore her. I don’t make him say it back, I just tell her that he loves her too.

• He gets in trouble often at school for not following directions and talking out of permission multiple times a day every day.

• He blames everything on everyone else, and never admits to his wrong doings even when I have proof and ask him nicely if he did this or that he will say no I don’t want to talk about it.

• When I ask him to stop a behavior it takes me saying stop 3 times before he even hears me.

• When I’m on the phone or talking to another adult he interrupts me constantly even though I tell him I’m busy and I will get to you in a second. It’s like it goes in one ear and out the other.

I know some of these can be from ADHD. But I feel like he’s so young to be this angry and mean. I know it’s not his fault and he’s going through something or it’s my parenting and that’s the hardest part 😭 I feel like such a failure like he needs something I’m not giving him.

I feel like I discipline him appropriately but I could be wrong. He listens to my husband way more than me but he’s with me more than his dad. Idk what to do anymore I’m about to take him to his pediatrician and a therapist.