Is it worth the hassle to go to an outdoor mall with a baby, just to get out o the house?

My baby is 7 weeks old and I haven’t gone out with him except for doctor’s appts and twice with my husband and baby to this outdoor pavilion/mall that is 15 minutes from my house. It’s a beautiful shopping area with lots of outdoor seating, a coffee shop, pizzeria, ice cream shop, things like that. It’s in a safe area and is not crowded during the day. It’s very quiet during the day and seems like a great first solo outing for my baby and i. But every day I psych myself out by saying well if I just want to sit outside I can sit in my backyard. I feel like it’d be good for my mental health to get out, but I just can’t commit to it. It would be the first time I’m driving with my baby alone.

So I’m asking other moms here if it’s worth it? Or should I just wait until I have something I really need to take him to? I’m not really that bored at home with him, we do go for two 2-mile walks every day around the neighborhood. But I’m so on the fence.

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