Doesn't want to wear underwear!!

Whoever said/says the second child is easiest to potty train is so so wrong! 😅

So my soon to be 3 year old has been working on potty training for a little while now. He will happily go number 2 in the toilet with no issues. Sometimes pee if he catches it on time. However... he will absolutely fight me on wearing underwear!! He wants nothing to do with them, and he has even picked out his own. So at first I was like ok whatever, but now with him still not wanting to wear them I feel like he will never get the potty training thing down because he knows in a pull up, he can pee in it and not worry.

I don't really want to force him into underwear because that's just mean and can reverse our progress. Maybe he's just not fully ready? But at the same time I know he is because he is so willing to go to the bathroom and always asks to go when we are out or always helps himself to the bathroom at home if needed. So idk what to do.

Idk how to get him into underwear, I've even bribed him with toys, an adventure somewhere fun, and candy.